What’s New?
Dialogue between Blossie and me this morning:
Me: Good morning my Blossie. What’s new with you?
Blossie: Good morning Mommy. Nothin’
Me: Yeah, me too.
Fast forward to 7:30 pm…
Blossie: So…how was your day Mommy?
Me: It was kind of boring…
Blossie: Yeah, me too.
Me: Oh…except, I just remembered…the best part of my day was when an acquaintance of mine reached out for help. As I listened and offered feedback, a sense of aliveness began to build inside me and I paced around the room as we talked. My soul was buoyed by a burst of energy that replaced the Covid-induced blah I lived in before the phone rang. Being useful to another brings great gifts.
What one thing occurred today that made you feel like something happened?
Blossum really wants to know.