I’m torn….between the profound sadness I feel at the loss of RBG…and the absolute joy I feel today…the first day of Autumn.
Hmmmm… I guess that means I can hold opposing feelings at the same time. My thoughts around that lean in the direction of the belief that one cancels the other out…in other words…there is only space in my small, limited human mind for one feeling at a time. Wow. How sad. With the enormity of planet Earth and beyond, the attitude of “one feeling at a time” sure imprisons my psyche in the mental dark ages.
But is one at a time even true? Obviously not…but it’s a worthy question. If I sit still long enough puzzling over existence (Why, why, why??) sometimes an original thought bubbles up through the muck and I surprise the shit out of myself. (That is, if I take credit not mine to take.)
As I watched the film RBG on CNN the other night, I was again deeply struck by the impact this tiny, humble, soft-spoken woman has had on our lives. Describing her as tiny, I tell on myself, is small minded. Tiny with the power of an atom. Her impact, her wisdom, her commitment, her inspiration, her humility, her focus…was unparalleled, as far as I can see. I challenge any of the mental midgets in Congress to stand up to the power in her little toe. (Don’t get me started on THAT shit!!)
Woo hoo…Autumn…my favorite. It’s my favorite for many reasons. First, it means Summer is officially over and, as an oppositional person, I don’t like Summer. Too hot, too sunny, too humid…the list goes on and on. Don’t get me wrong, I like an occasional sunny day to walk Blossie in the park. I just don’t like the sun beating down, dehydrating me like a dried apricot.
Now I can sit out in my garden writing with you, Blossie, and all my other helpers gathered around our little table. Feathered muses hiding in the trees twitter away, fluffy-tailed support staff scamper through the already-fallen leaves, making a surprisingly loud snap, crackle and pop. Sans heat and smoke, it’s heaven again.
We will miss your presence on this planet Ruth Bader Ginsberg. (It doesn’t seem right to call her Ruth.) It was reassuring to know you were here. Though it ended too soon, thank you for your supreme contribution to the goodness of humanity.
I grieve the continual change of life as we know it, softened slightly by the comfort of sparkling, fresh air. Blossie and I are off for a jaunt, inviting Ruth Bader Ginsberg to join us. It’s gonna be an extra good walk today. I can feel it in my bones.
See ya soon my friends.